Show & Event

The Flea Theaterの掲示窓に「KUTSUKAKE TOKIJIRO」のポスターが飾られた。
小さいが、ハリウッド俳優も出演するほど知名度の高い劇場だ。そのシアターで、いよいよ私たちの芝居が上演されることになった。3年間に渡り、2度のショーイングとワークショップを重ね練ってきた作品。長谷川 伸の代表作「沓掛時次郎」を世界初英語翻訳し、日本語と英語のバイリンガル劇に仕立て上げた。ユニークな試みはニューヨーカーに喜ばれ、3週間の公演はSOLD OUTになるほどヒットした。
In November 2011, a poster of "KUTSUKAKE TOKIJIRO" was displayed on the bulletin board window of the Flea Theater in Tribeca, New York. It's a small theater, but it's so well-known that Hollywood actors also appear. Our play will finally be performed at this historic theater. We have been working on this work for three years and did two showings and workshops. Shin Hasegawa's masterpiece "KUTSUKAKE TOKIJIRO" was translated into English for the first time in the world and made into a bilingual play in Japanese and English. New Yorkers were pleased with the unique attempt, and the three-week performance was a hit as it became SOLD OUT.